surface charge

Zeta Probe Analyser

Area Linked to: 
Surface Engineering
Research Area: 
Surface Chemistry

Zeta probe (Make: Colloidal Dynamics USA) is used for measuring zeta potential of particles which is an extremely important parameter across a wide range of industries including brewing, ceramics, pharmaceuticals, medicine, mineral processing and water treatment. It gives a measure of the stability of the colloidal system. Its measurement brings detailed insight into the dispersion mechanism and is the key to electrostatic dispersion control.

This equipment measures the zeta potential in colloidal suspensions and emulsions. The equipment works on multi-frequency electro acoustic method. Its automatic titration facility facilitates determination of isoelectric point. It has provision for correction for particle size and double layer distortion.

Data can be made available in MS Excel format contains zeta potential, dynamic mobility, conductivity, pH, temperature and isoelectric point.

Equipment Info
zeta potential, isoelectric point
Sample type: 
powder sample, ~45 microns
Model & Make: 
Zeta Probe, Colloidal Dynamics USA
Equipment Code: 
Year of Installation: 
Inventory No: 
PIR holder: 
Rakesh Kumar

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