Raman spectroscopy

Basic Raman Spectroscopy

Area Linked to: 
Surface Engineering
Research Area: 
If Other area: 
surface chemistry

Raman spectroscope is a versatile and simple analytical technique for identifying the bonding structure of samples and determining their composition. Using this instrument an unknown substance whether inorganic or organic can be identified by getting its Raman spectra within normal operating range of the microscope and comparing the position of its peaks against a catalog of Raman spectra of known elements and compounds. The instrument does not need any specific sample preparation or generation of any vacuum / inert atmosphere inside of the sample compartment. By using microscope one can mark the desired location / phases of the sample and direct the laser to fall at the selected point. The instrument equipped with software collects Raman spectra and selected part can be identified by comparing the spectra available in inbuilt library.

Equipment Info
Resolution & Range: 
spectral range: 100 – 4000 cm-1 Raman shift
Identification of phases/compounds in an unknown sample, Changes in bond structure of a material caused due to any treatment, Quantitative determination of inorganic/organic phases in a sample
Sample type: 
Solid/ liquid
Model & Make: 
Almega XR, Thermo electron scientific instrument corporation (USA),
Equipment Code: 
Year of Installation: 
Inventory No: 
PIR holder: 
Dr D.D.N.Singh

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