Creep Testing Facilities

Area Linked to: 
Materials Evaluation
Research Area: 
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials

NML has the largest creep testing facility in South-East Asia with a total of 193 creep testing points. Out of these 61 units are 3T single creep points with a maximum temperature capability of 950oC to 1100oC and 11 units are multi creep points in which 12 specimens can be tested simultaneously in each unit at a temperature of 900oC. All the furnaces are with 3 zone PID controllers for precise control of temperature. A host of LVDT units are available for measurement of creep strain. All the creep points are attached to a master data logger for continuous storage of data. The creep testing facility has an uninterrupted power supply and a back-up power generator system to ensure quality data generation. Other than conventional creep life evaluation, the facility has been extensively used for generating stress rupture data to evaluate the remaining life assessment of high temperature materials. Apart from this battery of creep machines, NML also possess a impression creep machine as well. This unit is useful for evaluating the creep behaviour of small volume of material in vacuum

Equipment Info
Resolution & Range: 
3 Ton
To evaluate creep data of materials/stress rupture life, remaining life assessment of materials
Sample type: 
Equipment Code: 
Year of Installation: 

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