Instrumented Impact Test System with Environmental Chamber

Area Linked to: 
Materials Evaluation
Research Area: 
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials

The fracture behaviour of metallic materials is normally evaluated under static and quasi-static loading conditions. However, in real life the components may experience dynamic loading during events such as accidental overload/earth quake. It is therefore imperative to study and understand the crack resistance behaviour of materials during such dynamic loading conditions. In the installed system at NML the hammer is mounted with a replaceable ASTM E23 instrumented tup for conducting Charpy impact tests. The equipment has two transducers: (a) load cell connected to the hammer (ASTM tup) (b) Angle encoder. Load-Displacement (Hammer) and Load-Time plots can be obtained for a test. TeXpert s/w is integrated to the machine, which collects the load displacement and load time data through a data logger.

Equipment Info
Resolution & Range: 
Energy: 300 J, Temp.: -80 to 150 deg C
Dynamic fracture characterization (KID) of metallic materials and alloys, Ductile Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT) determination
Sample type: 
Charpy V-notch
Model & Make: 
Manufacturer: Zwick/Roell, Model: RKP 450 IWI, Environmental Chamber: LAUDA RP 890 refrigeration unit
Equipment Code: 
Year of Installation: 
Inventory No: 
PIR holder: 
Dr. J.K. Sahu

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