Servo-electric dynamic test machines

Area Linked to: 
Materials Evaluation
Research Area: 
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials

Similar to servo-hydraulic test machines, the servo-electric dynamic test frames are also with closed loop controllers and capabable of performing all kinds of tests as in former. The difference, however, being the closed loop DC servo-motor that makes the system suitable for long term operations. NML has 2 Nos of 10 T servo-electric dynamic machines with all accessories and high temperature (upto 900oC) and environmental chamber (300oC to -150oC). Due to its long-term operational capabilities, the system is very useful for studying, creep-fracture interaction, corrosion fatigue crack growth studies, low cycle fatigue or any such tests that involves long test duration and/or require low frequency cycling

Equipment Info
Resolution & Range: 
Evaluate a variety of mechanical properties such as tensile, fatigue crack growth, fracture toughness and low cycle fatigue at a range of temperatures
Sample type: 
Round/Flat (tensile, LCF); CT/TPB(FCGR, Fracture)
Model & Make: 
Instron 8865
Equipment Code: 
Year of Installation: 
PIR holder: 
S. Sivaprasad

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