Moisture at 60% RH at 40oC

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Applied & Analytical Chemistry
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Relative humidity is the amount of moisture in the air compared to what the air can "hold" at that temperature. When the air can't "hold" all the moisture, then it condenses as dew.
The amount of water present in the air, whether it is in the solid, liquid, or gaseous state, plays an important role in the weather experienced on earth. This amount of water varies considerably and, therefore, its measurement must be reported. One method of stating how much water vapor, water in its gaseous state, is in the air is to state the actual measured weight of water vapor in a given amount of air. This is called the absolute humidity. The absolute humidity, however, does not fully indicate the moisture quality of the air because as the the temperature of the air changes, the amount of water vapor that it can hold (its capacity) changes. Examine the Water Vapor Capacity Table. At higher temperatures the air can hold more water vapor than at lower temperatures, so as the temperature of the air increases, the water vapor capacity also increases. As a result, the absolute humidity alone does not tell the full story about the moisture conditions of the atmosphere. A more complete method of reporting it is by the use of relative humidty. The relative humidity is the amount of water vapor the air actually has (the absolute humidity) compared to the amount of moisture the air can hold at that temperature. Relative humidity is always stated as a percentage, so the formula would be:

Relative Humidity % = (absolute humidity/capacity) x 100

Equipment Info
Laboratories conducting research for Climate control,Comfort,Buildings,Vehicles,Aviation
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PIR holder: 
Dr. Sanchita Chakravarty

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