Salt Spray Chamber with Cyclic Corrosion Test (CCT) facility

Area Linked to: 
Materials Evaluation
Research Area: 

To perform corrosion studies on metals/alloys/non metallic materials by means of recreating/accelerating a variety of corrosive climates within the convenience of an enclosed test facility.
It can be used for evaluating/ predicting the life expectancy of metallic materials /components under simulated service conditions.
Facilitates to create 4 distinct climates as follows:
1) Salt spray
2) Condensation humidity (wetting)
3) Air drying
4) Controlled humidity

It can perform and comply with as many different salt spray/ cyclic corrosion test specifications such as ASTM B117, ISO 9227, JIS Z 2371, ASTM G85.
The 4 test conditions, their sequences and time periods can be programmed to occur in any sequence and be repeated automatically for a given number of cycles. The additional setup to purge SO2 (Sulpher dioxide) gas/ Acetic acid enables to create additional climates and conditions which can serve as real time component testing [Due to additional care & arrangements require for conducting SO2 test, it can be performed only after prior discussion with the service provider].

Equipment Info
Resolution & Range: 
Salt Spray & Cyclic Corrosion Test Facility
To perform corrosion studies on metals/alloys/non metallic materials a variety of corrosive climates
Sample type: 
Metallic samples, Real time components, Coated products, Galvanized iron, Automotive components
Model & Make: 
Model : CC450ip CCT Chamber; Make : M/s Ascott Analytical Equipment Limited, Great Britain
Codes and Standards: 
ASTM B117, ISO 9227, JIS Z 2371, ASTM G85-A4
Equipment Code: 
Year of Installation: 
Inventory No: 
CSE 20170624
PIR holder: 
Dr K Gopala Krishna
Funding source (Project No/LR): 

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