Barkhausen noise

Magnetic Barkhausen Emission Analyzer

Area Linked to: 
Materials Characterization
Research Area: 
Non-destructive Evaluation

The Magnetic Barkhausen emission (MBE) is measured by the the instrument Rollscan 300 which is a digital Barkhausen noise analyzer. This instrument can be used for measurement of Magnetic Barkhausen Emission (MBE) signal. The effect of residual stress, creep and fatigue on MBE signals of ferromagnetic materials can be studied.

Equipment Info
Magnetic Barkhausen signal in ferritic steel, Iron, Cobalt and nickel.
Sample type: 
Plates , Pipes, Tubes , Cylinders. The contact area required for the probes is 10mm x 10mm
Model & Make: 
Model : RollScan- 300
Equipment Code: 
Year of Installation: 
Inventory No: 
PIR holder: 

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