Ultrasonic System with Time of Flight Diffraction

Area Linked to: 
Materials Evaluation
Research Area: 
Non-destructive Evaluation

Ultrasonic system with Time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) is a technique that uses two probes in pitch-catch mode and detects and records signals diffracted from defect tips allowing both detection and sizing. The TOFD data is displayed in a gray scale B-scan view. TOFD offers wide coverage and amplitude-independent sizing complying with the ASME 2235 code.
•One-line scan for full-volume inspection
•Setup independent of weld configuration
•Very sensitive to all kinds of defects and unaffected by defect orientation

Equipment Info
Girth Weld Inspection, Pressure vessel weld inspection
Sample type: 
Flat welded samples, Pressure vessels
Model & Make: 
OMNISCAN, RD Tech, Olympus
Equipment Code: 
Year of Installation: 
Inventory No: 
PIR holder: 
Avijit Kr Metya

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