Dual Frequency Multi-channel Eddy Current System

Area Linked to: 
Materials Evaluation
Research Area: 
Non-destructive Evaluation

Eddy current testing is a noncontact method used to inspect non ferromagnetic tubing. MS5800 system offers
•4 simultaneous frequencies per input. This feature allows inspection speeds up to 2 m/s with 4 frequencies on absolute and differential channels, without signal distortion.
• Electronic probe balancing. No separate external reference probe is required for absolute channel operation.
• 4 ECT inputs and up to 64 multiplexed channels. The MultiScan™ MS 5800E can support a large number of ECT channels to perform array probe inspections. Compared to single-channel inspection, the array probe technology allows faster and easier surface coverage.

Equipment Info
This technique is suitable for detecting and sizing metal discontinuities such as corrosion, erosion, wear, pitting, baffle cuts, wall loss, and cracks in nonferrous materials.
Sample type: 
Tube Inspection
Model & Make: 
MS5800, RD Tech. Olympus
Equipment Code: 
Year of Installation: 
Inventory No: 
PIR holder: 
Dr. GVS Murthy

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