Eccentric Vibration mill

Area Linked to: 
Materials Processing
Research Area: 
Metallurgical/Mineral Waste Utilization
If Other area: 

Eccentric vibrating mill (Model : ESM234-1bs, Siebtechnik, Germany) is a highly efficient grinding mill in which comminution is brought about by impact and abrasive action between grinding bodies and between the grinding bodies and mill container wall. Accelerated/efficient grinding in the mill results from the multi-axis vibratory movement of the mill container (circulatory, elliptical and linear).
The mill is suitable for dry and wet fine grinding brittle materials of all degree of hardness, such as ores, low grade hard metal raw materials, ceramic raw materials, slag, fly ash, dyes and chemicals. The mill can be used for mechanical activation as well as dry homogenizing of powders and doping agents
The maximum feed particle size can be up to 20 mm. Size reduction down to 0-5 micron is possible. Up to about kg material can be ground per batch

Equipment Info
High energy milling
Sample type: 
Brittle materials upto 20 mm size
Model & Make: 
Model : ESM234-1bs, Siebtechnik, Germany
Equipment Code: 
Year of Installation: 
Inventory No: 
PIR holder: 
Thomas C Alex

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