miniature specimen

Miniature Specimen Test System

Area Linked to: 
Materials Evaluation
Research Area: 
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials

Often, the component size puts limit on the fabrication of conventional specimens to study mechanical behaviour of materials. Efforts are therefore going on for quite sometime to evaluate the mechanical behaviour of materials using sub-sized or even or even miniature sized specimens.

Equipment Info
Resolution & Range: 
Dynamic Capacity: 3kN; Static Capacity: 2.1kN; (load cells with 1000N 500N are also available); Freq: <0.1Hz to 300Hz
tensile, high and low cycle fatigue, fracture toughness (KIC, JIC) and fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR)
Sample type: 
Flat /round specimens of 0.1 to 6mm thickness/3-6mm grip diameter, TPB: 5mm x 5mm x 25mm, Disc/CT: 12.5mm width x variable thickness
Model & Make: 
Elecropuls 3000, Instron UK
Equipment Code: 
Year of Installation: 
PIR holder: 
N Narasaiah

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