Tension-Torsion Test System with Internal Pressure Arrangement

Area Linked to: 
Materials Evaluation
Research Area: 
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials

This unique facility is first of its kind in the country. Deformation behaviour of materials can be studied under combined axial-torsional load paths with or without applying an internal pressure on tubular specimens. The two load paths can be controlled either in-phase or out of phase. The information generated is useful for understanding the deformation behaviour of material under multiaxial loading conditions in stress state situations analogues to those of actual components. The system has an axial capacity of +/- 100kN and torsional capacity of 1000Nm. The maximum internal pressure that can be applied using a special unit is 600 bar. The system also has bi-axial extensometer for precise control/measurement of axial and torsional strains.

Equipment Info
Resolution & Range: 
100kN axial; 1000Nm torque
To characterize cyclic deformation behaviour under multiaxial proportional/non-proportional loading conditions
Sample type: 
tubular specimens of 25mm outer diameter in gauge section and 32mm diameter in end section
Model & Make: 
Instron 8850
Codes and Standards: 
Equipment Code: 
Year of Installation: 
PIR holder: 
S. Sivaprasad

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