Calibration system for Magnetic Barkhausen Emission

Area Linked to: 
Materials Evaluation
Research Area: 
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials

The system used for following purposes:

i) Calibration of MBE instrument
ii) Tensile testing of flat, round and wire samples at three different load cells (1kN, 10kN and 25kN) under ambient atmosphere as well as controlled atmosphere (up to 300 degree centigrade temperature & sub- zero level)
iii) Compression testing of cylindrical rods at three different load cells (1kN, 10kN and 25kN)under ambient atmosphere as well as controlled atmosphere (up to 300 degree centigrade temperature & sub- zero level)

Equipment Info
Resolution & Range: 
ASTM standard sample size (minimum thickness of 20 micron for flat sample & minimum diameter of 100 micron for wire samples)
Magnetic Barkhausen signal in Ferritic Steel Iron Nickel Cobalt and also tensile and compression testing
Sample type: 
Bulk materials
Model & Make: 
HK25/ Tinius Olsen
Equipment Code: 
Year of Installation: 
Inventory No: 
PIR holder: 
Dr. Ashis K. Panda

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