
DEFORM-3D A Finite Element Based software for simulation of Metal Forming & Heat Treatment Operations

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Materials Modelling & Simulation
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Metal forming & Heat Tretment

DEFORM is a Finite Element Method (FEM) based process simulation system designed to analyze various forming and heat treatment processes used by metal forming and related industries.Unlike general purpose FEM codes, DEFORM is tailored for deformation modeling. Coupled modeling of deformation and heat transfer for simulation of cold, warm, or hot forging processescan be conducted. Rigid, elastic, and thermo-viscoplastic material models are available, which are ideally suited for large deformation modeling.User defined subroutines for material modeling, press modeling,fracture criteria and other functions can also be interfaced.
DEFORM models a complex interaction between deformation, temperature, and,in the case of heat treatment, phase transformation and diffusion. There is coupling between all of the phenomenon. These coupling effects include heating due to deformation work, temperature controlled transformation, latent heat of transformation, stress effects on transformation and carbon content effects on material properties

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